Decor Tips to Revive Your Older Home While Keeping Its Character

Living in an old house is definitely not a walk in the park. Sure, old houses are most certainly beautiful and they have something about them not many people can resist. However, it’s important to also understand that old houses are full of surprises and hidden costs that can add up fairly quickly, especially when trying to revive your older home.

All of that being said, if you live in an old house, you are probably already familiar with the majority of its problems. On the other hand, if you’ve remodelled your old home and eliminated all of its downsides, you’ll be left with a beautiful property that will serve you well for many years to come. And now, the only thing you’re left with is deciding how to decorate the space while still managing to keep the beauty of its old character.

Keep all the original ornaments and architecture elements when reviving your older home

When older homes are concerned, more often than not they feature pretty stunning architectural elements, such as exposed wooden beams, stained-glass windows or a stunning carved staircase. The first thing you should do is embrace these elements instead of trying to get rid of them. Of course, if necessary, see to it that they are renovated and repaired during your revive. This way, you will be only enhancing the beauty and the vibe of your old home instead of trying to turn it into something it’s not.

Keep all the original ornaments and architecture elements when reviving your older home

Decide on the overall vibe

Furthermore, you should think about the overall vibe you want to have when you revive your older home. The Victorian style is definitely something you should consider but, unless your home is built in this style, it might look out of place in the end. However, the vintage style or even rustic modern are certainly two of the most beautiful styles you can choose to incorporate in an old home, that are very adjustable and work excellently in any setting. No matter which style you choose to implement, make sure you follow the 80-20 rule to avoid making your home look too staged or impractical.

Choose furniture pieces carefully

As already mentioned, the furniture pieces you choose to implement in your design need to be carefully chosen to offer both the practicality and aesthetic appeal. Therefore, you can go with vintage end tables and a vintage coffee table to bring some of that old charm into the space but choose a more modern seating solution that will offer comfort and style. For instance, practical King Living modular sofas offer the freedom to arrange and rearrange them as you see fit while also having the ability to blend in virtually any design style. This way, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect balance between modern and rustic or vintage, which will look absolutely stunning in an older home.

Choose furniture pieces carefully

Illuminate the space properly

Older homes are usually not opulent with lighting solutions, so that’s definitely another thing you need to pay attention to. First and foremost, make sure you install enough lighting fixtures so that your space and all of its elements are well-illuminated and that you have enough light in all the areas of your home. Furthermore, see to it that you also install lighting dimmers wherever possible so that you can control the level of illumination you want to have in any given moment. Finally, make sure you go with eco-friendly and energy efficient LED light bulbs to save energy, reduce your overhead costs and provide your housemates with the best and the healthiest possible artificial lighting.

Illuminate the space properly

These were, of course, just some of the ways you can redecorate and revive your old home while keeping its old shine intact. Simply put, you should embrace its old beauty and instead of trying to change it, you should accentuate it as much as possible.

What are some of your decor tips to revive your older home? Let us know in the comments section below, we’d love to hear from you.

Lilly Miller
Lilly Miller
Lilly Miller is a Sydney-based graphic designer, passionate writer and proud auntie. Loves everything about home decor, art history and baking. Shares home with two loving dogs and a gecko named Rodney. “Poetry creates the myth, the prose writer draws his own portrait.” Jean - Paul Sartre


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